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Spring Detox Protocol

It’s Spring already–maybe not by the calendar, but certainly by the weather! It’s the time of year when our bodies are ready to shed the little bit of extra weight and toxins we’ve collected during our “winter hibernation.” Mother Nature always tells us when it’s time; little dandelion and milk thistle plants start to pop out of the ground, and both are wonderful botanicals for liver detoxification. Used together as a tincture, they work wonders to help relieve the liver’s toxic burden. Dandelion leaf is helpful as a kidney detox too.

This is the time for Spring cleaning—of both our homes and our bodies! If we simply eliminate the most common allergenic and processed foods from our diet (even if we don’t think we’re sensitive to them) we can greatly facilitate the lightening of our physical toxic load.

The top seven dietary items to avoid are:

  • Wheat/gluten
  • Dairy
  • Soy
  • Corn and corn products (especially corn syrups)
  • Alcohol
  • Sugar
  • Caffeine

By shopping the perimeter of the grocery store and focusing mostly on produce, nuts, seeds, lean meat and fish, we give our systems a break from all the processed and potentially allergenic food we tend to eat. This can be especially helpful in Prescott, where so many people suffer from seasonal allergies too. Two weeks of this kind of diet is all that is needed for most people, but if you feel really great, you may want to incorporate these guidelines into everyday life!

For more comprehensive cleansing results, Unda homeopathic drainage remedies can be a great adjunct to herbal tinctures and dietary changes. These are low-dose plant combinations that work to release the toxins from inside our cells. They are numbered remedies, and each number works on a specific cell type in the body. Unda #2 is a great kidney detoxifier, while #243 works fabulously on the liver. Unda #48 is a broad cellular detox and actually work on the DNA of the cells, helping to bring it back to its normal, healthy structure and thus preventing and reversing disease. I recommend a protocol that uses all three: Unda # 2, #48, and #243, taking ten drops of each twice a day until they are gone (which takes about three weeks). Be sure not to mix them together in the same spoon or glass; take each one separately.

These Unda remedies, along with a two-week elimination diet and (Spring Detox Formula) Milk Thistle and Dandelion Root tincture ( 1 dropperful 3x/day of each), works wonders for shaking out the cobwebs of toxins in our bodies and helping us shed those extra pounds, leaving us feeling as fresh and light as Springtime!

Enjoy the sunshine!


Dr. Susan Godman

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