UNDA Calendula Cream is renowned for manufacturing exceptional homeopathic products utilized in supporting immune, lymphatic and endocrine systems.
100 Tablets
UNDA Melange Tissue Salts are prepared using methods based on Dr. W. H. Schessler Biochemical System of Medicine (in accordance with the German Homeopathic Pharmacopeia [HAB].
UNDA Proctosan Cream provides a specific and synergistic botanical formulation that has a specific affinity for the vascular system and the large intestine.
.7 oz
For the relief of minor symptoms associated with irregular menstrual cycles.
*Female Reproductive System Support
*Hormonal Imbalance
*Menopausal support
*Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
*Utero-ovarian Disorders
Nervous Exhaustion & Insomnia
Unda 1001 has an action on the nervous and the endocrine systems. This remedy provides nervous system drainage in conditions where nervous excitation caused by overexertion results in nervous spasms and insomnia.
Unda 12 has an action on the skin. This remedy is indicated for various cutaneous eruptions, including urticaria, eczema, psoriasis, pruritus, chaps, and scabies.
Unda 13- Hepato-digestive Overload
Unda 13 has an action on the liver and kidneys. This remedy is indicated for conditions such as hepatic congestion, biliary deficiency, aerophagy of hepatic origin, nephritis, oliguria, and renal insufficiency.
Unda 14 – Chronic Lung Disorders
Unda 14 can be used preceding primary infection from tuberculosis, during convalescence from serious diseases, pneumonia, bronchitis, pleuritis, arthrosis, spondylo-arthrosis, intestinal troubles, chronic colitis.
UNDA #15 should be used as the primary remedy in all febrile or chronic inflammatory conditions. These conditions include influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleuritis, coryza, and night sweats.
UNDA #16 has an action on the hormonal and neurovegetative systems especially when the conditions are hereditary or due to repeated childhood diseases.
UNDA #17 has an action on the skin and is complementary to Unda Number 12. It is indicated in conditions such as intestinal worms, eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, scaly skin, pimples, scleroderma, taenia, and asthma which follows eczema.
Unda 18 Spleen & Cellular Degeneration. It works in conjunction with Unda Number 20, which works on the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. #18 is indicated for cellular degeneration, leukocyte anomalies, spleen hypertrophy and glandular indurations.
UNDA #2 can be used for all infections and inflammations and to improve the overall functioning of the kidneys (which play a major role in elimination and metabolism).
UNDA #20 is an important remedy for detoxification of the duodeno-hepato-pancreatic junction. Reduced filtration of toxins through the liver and gallbladder can cause the formation of calculi.
UNDA #21 is an excellent remedy for degenerative conditions, with hormonal, ovarian, and utero-ovarian impact (thyroid, breast, prostate, uterus, ovary).
UNDA #210 has an action on the nervous system, the hepatic system, and the cardiac system. This remedy is indicated for hyperexcitability, anxiety, and irritability of hepatic and digestive origin.
UNDA #219 contains herbs known for their antispasmodic, sedative, tonifying, and normalizing effect on the nervous system. This remedy is indicated for spasms, muscular contractions and irritation.
UNDA #22 is a remedy for anxiety and nervous disorders of a temporary or benign nature. This remedy is indicated for conditions such as neurosis, nocturnal anxieties, and nervous disorders due to teething in children.
UNDA #226 is indicated for conditions such as constipation, slow digestion and intestinal problems as a result of biliary distress, lack of appetite, migraine following meals and liver afflictions with biliary canaliculi polarity.
Unda #245 This remedy is indicated for all recurring infections of the genito-urinary system, utero-ovarian problems, irritation caused by congestion of the female reproductive organs, uterine cramps, dysmenorrhea, and leukorrhea.
UNDA #248 is the most important remedy for the arterial circulation, due to its ability to affect arterial elimination. This remedy should always be used in combination with Unda 8 (its complementary remedy on the level of circulation and blood).
UNDA #25 provides exceptional drainage for the cardiovascular system. It relieves functional pathologies (cardiac decompensation, aortitis, infarcts, myocarditis, and angina pectoris) of the heart and the region surrounding the heart.
UNDA #258 has an action on the digestive and urinary systems. Unda Number 258 is indicated for hepatoliths, nephroliths, renal insufficiency, uricemia, rheumatic conditions, and hepatic colic.
UNDA #26 provides drainage to the mouth area and is effective in all inflammatory conditions. This remedy is indicated for afflictions of the mouth, gum boils, gingivitis and pyorrhea.
UNDA #27 acts on detoxifying the upper respiratory system. This remedy is indicated for chronic hoarseness (throat), aphonia, laryngitis, tracheitis, and difficult expectorations.
.7ozUNDA #270 has an action on the skin. Skin conditions can evolve from improper elimination through the kidneys. Hypericum acts on the nerve endings in the skin and Equisetum acts on the opening of the kidney.
UNDA #28 provides drainage of all arthritic and rheumatic conditions caused by body disorders. It also contains a combination of the metals copper, stannum, and aluminum, which have a profound influence on the organs, especially the kidney.
UNDA #3 has an action on the digestive system, particularly the small intestine. It is indicated for individuals with assimilation problems or who have conditions caused by faulty assimilation from the small intestine.
UNDA #30 contains lead for its ability to act on old chronic neurological disturbances due to overexertion and prolonged stress. It is a remedy indicated for conditions such as insomnia, mental agitation, anxiety, neurasthenia, and overexertion.
UNDA #33 has an action on the peripheral circulation of the heart. Aluminum is used for serious conditions and helps to regulate the neuro-vegetative system that governs the peripheral circulation of the heart.
UNDA #34 is indicated for dysglycemic conditions such as diabetes. Homeostasis of the hormonal system is upset during inadequate glandular functioning. Tuberculinic diseases can lead to repercussions on pancreatic functioning.
UNDA #37 Specifically, it can be used for such conditions as: furunculosis, abscess, fistulae, suppurations, hordeolum, otitis, mastoiditis, appendicitis, phlebitis, salpingitis, cataracts, Meniere's Syndrome, sinusitis and angina.
UNDA #38 This remedy also acts as a pelvic decongestant for males and females and is indicated for conditions including prostatitis, ischuria, orchitis and polyps of the bladder.
UNDA #4 helps to restore gastric equilibrium. This remedy is indicated for conditions such as dyspepsia, gastritis, pyrosis, cramps, macrogastria, stomach ulcers, and lack of appetite.
UNDA #42 has an action on the peripheral nervous system. This remedy is indicated for sciatica, vertebral twinges of the sciatic nerve, gout, joint and osseous pains, and intercostal neuralgias.
UNDA #43 has an action on the digestive tract. This remedy is indicated for conditions such as gastric and intestinal aerophagy, and other digestive disturbances such as dyspepsia, gastritis, and pyrosis.
UNDA #45 has an action on the urinary system. This remedy is indicated for secondary infections, kidney stones, inflammation of the urinary tract, and nephritic colic.
UNDA #46 has an action on the digestive system particularly the stomach. This remedy is indicated for dysfunction of the stomach due to overload nausea, digestive spasms lack of appetite, heavy stomach intestinal and stomach ulcers and dyspepsia.
UNDA #48 works on all profound toxino-cellular lesions, it reestablishes normalcy to the failing genetic code of the organism. This remedy has an extremely strong detoxifying effect.
UNDA #49 is an excellent remedy for restoring and normalizing degenerative evolution of organs of ectoblastic origin: breasts, exocrine glands, intestines, lymphatic system (ganglions).
UNDA #5 has an action on the tissues of the entire respiratory tract. Copper and silver are useful for defending the body against infection and inflammation.
UNDA #50 acts on the function of the large intestine, which is to eliminate waste and to protect the lung. In energetic medicine, there is a close relationship between the lung and the large intestine.
UNDA #6 This remedy is indicated for conditions such as constipation, lack of intestinal mucous secretions, portal congestion with abdominal plethora, dry skin and diverticulitis.
UNDA #7 is useful for inflammatory conditions of the kidneys and urinary tract. It is a remedy indicated for conditions such as chronic cystitis, incontinence, hypertrophy of the prostate and hydronephrosis.
UNDA #710 This remedy is specific for inflammatory conditions of the skin and respiratory systems and is indicated for conditions such as sinusitis, furunculosis, acne, shingles, and acute or subacute inflammatory conditions.
Unda 74 is indicated for overloading of the cardiovascular system, in particular, the vena portae. Hemorrhoids and portal congestion can be caused by poor liver function. Due to its effect on the liver. .
Unda #76 Sexual impotence and decreased libido can occur as a result of nervous exhaustion. Unda 76 is indicated for nervous exhaustion, the aftereffects of overexertion, sexual impotence and accompanying symptoms
Unda 8 acts profoundly on the pericardium and also provides deep angiocardiac drainage. Because it has a deep action on the heart, it is effective in all pathologies of cardiac function, both arterial and venous.
UNDA #9 has a profound action on the nervous system. Depression is considered to be the first symptom of nervous system irregularities and is found in all modern pathologies due to stress and conflict.
UNDA Medullosseinum Plexare condition-specific homeopathic specialties prepared in low dilutions and are recommended for acute and chronic ailments.
UNDA #24 has an effect on both the digestive and the autonomic nervous system. This remedy is indicated for neurovegetative conditions resulting from prolonged or recurring illnesses.