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Garlic Foot Oil Instructions
Wash or soak feet in hot water to open pores
Put two dropperfuls of Garlic Foot Oil on soles of each foot and rub around entire area
Next, wrap feet in saran wrap and cover with socks and go...

Homeopathic At-Home Kits
*Call the shop…
Aconitum napellus 6C (cold and flu, high fever)
Arnica montana 30C (muscle pain, stiffness, swelling from bruises)
Arsenicum album 30C (diarrhea with vomiting and weakness)

Unda Remedies for Insomnia
Insomnia has become a huge epidemic in our modern world. It is estimated that 1 out of every 3 people suffer from some form of insomnia worldwide, and 10% of us have chronic, diagnosable forms of inso...

Hydrotherapy–A Cure for Almost Everything!
One of the most effective therapies I have ever known is both simple and inexpensive--and it cures just about everything!! Sounds too good to be true? It's not, it's Hydrotherapy!
Hydrotherapy sim...

Hormones and the Lunar Cycle
In these days of global warming, climate change, endangered species, and other demonstrations of how human life can impact the natural environment, it's more important than ever to remember that human...

Homeopathic Handout
Your homeopathic remedy may come in liquid or pellet form. Special Instructions will be on the label.
A dose is 3-5 pellets. For Acute symptoms dose more often (Every 15 mins or added to water and ...

The Art of Crafting Herbal Formulas
When people ask me how I got interested in natural energetic medicines, I think back to my childhood, when I spent my time walking through the trees and farm fields on the family land in Wisconsin, ta...

The Marvels of Glycine
Every time I sit down to write my newsletter articles, my assistant, Donna, asks, "Are you going to write about glycine?" This is probably because I talk about it so much and tell almost every patient...

Hydrochloric Acid Challenge
To test if you need HCL:
Begin a meal, taking two or three bites. Take 1 capsule of HCL and finish the meal. If you feel a warming sensation just under your ribs, on the left side, anytime afte...

Castor Oil Pack Procedure
Items Needed:
100% un-dyed cotton or wool (size to fit area)
Castor Oil
Plastic wrap (enough to cover area treated and material)
Heat source (hot towel, hot water bottle)